Daylight saving time to end; change batteries in smoke alarms!!!!
By EMS Chief Scott Thornton
November 1, 2014

Daylight saving time ends at 2 a.m. Sunday morning.

That means that you need to set your clocks back one hour before you go to bed tonight.

You should also change the batteries in your smoke detectors.

Every year there are fire fatalities that occur in homes that didn't have smoke alarms, or where the alarms did not function because of dead batteries. If you do not have a smoke alarm, you need to get one. If you have a smoke alarm, make sure it is in working order. Changing the battery at least once every year and cleaning dust from the device are easy ways to ensure continued protection of your family and your property. Having a working smoke alarm doubles the chances you will survive a fire in your home.

It's also recommended changing batteries in flashlights and weather radios, and having an emergency plan in place in case of severe weather threatens.